
Weddings, Corporate Events, Engagements

Timeline Creation

Creation of professional timeline with three edits for the bride who has everything under control. We will provide the timeline to your vendors and make sure your special day goes smoothly.

Month Of Coordination Package

After you have planned your wedding, let us step in to take over the final details. About 4 weeks prior to your wedding, we will begin working closely together to begin familiarizing ourselves with the plan and help you tie up any loose ends. We will compile a list of your vendors, create your timeline, direct your rehearsal and coordinate all vendor set up’s the day of your wedding. We will also direct your bridal party for the ceremony as well as make sure we are staying on time during your reception. Month of package includes one in person meeting, 3 scheduled phone or Zoom meetings, and limited texting during business hours. This package includes one coordinator and the emergency wedding kit.

Full Planning Package

This is our all- inclusive wedding planning package. It is a package fit for our posh bride who wants it all. This has it all from venue search, vendor selection, budget tracking, color pallets, the ceremony and reception. This package is designed for us to help you from start to finish.

  • All of Month of Coordination Package included
  • Assisting in Venue selection and walk-through at 3 venues
  • Creation of Wedding Day timeline and copy to all vendors
  • Assisting in vendor selection
  • Vendor Confirmation 2 weeks Prior to the event
  • Making sure vendor payments are issued on time
  • Attending 2 Venue meetings
  • Delivery of personal items to designated room on site or to appointed individual
  • Phone and text access to Planner during regular business hours
  • Budget discussion & assisting
  • Wedding contract review & negotiation
  • Transportation logistics
  • Scheduling tastings
  • Wedding party diagram
  • Wedding rehearsal and directing
  • Emergency Kit